Still wonder how a man will have this kind of complexion and will still not agree with the press that he’s bleaching. This fair-skinned Pastor Ajanaku has said it to a lot of people that his skin is naturally like that. Is it Vitiligo, the skin disease that led the late Pop legend, Michael Jackson to have totally changed the colour of his skin or what?
Well, this is what the man has to say about his complexion, “If you know me two, three or four years ago you will see that I’m fair in complexion and I have so many hair that covers my face and every time I tried to remove it, it grows back. If I removed it today, it will grow tomorrow or next tomorrow but you know there are certain things that can’t be easy for human beings to understand.
God is greater than any story that is why we call him mystery that is why there is no story that is greater than God and that is why academically, we call men handsome but because God is very great, we now call him Awesome, that is, beyond human understanding,.
The whole church knows and they normally buy soaps for me, it is the church that buys the soap, the soap is Rhome and it is a toilet soap. If anybody really wants to understand Pastor Ajanaku let them come closer to me. I have never by any reason eaten in anybody’s presence in my life and when I’m eating only my wife and my children can see me.
Nobody has ever seen me open my mouth to eat in the public. Even before my marriage nobody has ever seen me put food into my mouth, so what will people say about that?”
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